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Monday, March 15, 2010

2010 Bemister Family Reunion - Activities

Our program of activities will be fleshed out in more detail closer to the event. But following on the pattern of past events and your feedback we have produced a tentative agenda which is on the attached sheet. When your send in your registration form it would be helpful if you would also let us know what your preferences are from the list supplied for tours, workshops and other activities , and for that matter, to make other suggestions and we will try our best to accommodate you in every way.

Our pre and post reunion activity schedule will only be activated if we get enough expressions of interest. But don’t come all that way to Carbonear and miss some of exciting attractions that are available in the area at that time of the year – from whales and icebergs, bird colonies and nature parks, historic sites and museums, folk festivals and live theatre – it’s all there to be discovered on the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism web site. The Cupids 400 celebration is of particular interest because of its focus on the West Country Migration and the birth place of Capt. Bob Bartlett at Brigus is well worth a visit.

On Friday, August 6, we will be conducting registration all day, and early arrivals will be able to take in walking tours, a bus tour around the Carbonear – Harbour Grace area, a boat ride to Carbonear Island, and of course meet your cousins and view the family pictures and memorabilia as well as the family tree which well be an impressive display connecting all of the participants up to seventh cousins or even 4th cousins three times removed! We will have an excellent souvenir package that will include a souvenir book with new information about our family and about the reunion itself including schedules, tour details and so on. At the end of the reunion we will ensure you get a souvenir CD recording your participation for posterity and containing lots of pictures and information.

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